Our reconstruction is as accurate as possible to be. Having said that we are fully aware that decisions made in the reconstruction process can be contentious. All the current models featured on the 'nikeisnow' website have been the result of the best research available at the time to the team.

The team have looked at the path ascending to the Propylaea. After consultation and feedback from our guest archaeologist we have now implemented the design on the revised reconstruction.

Our design of the path has been the result of a careful study of the multiple proposals throughout the last century in various models. Also the drawings and configurations by historians, architects and archaeologists that have analysed the problem and presented various solutions for the most probable design.

Our reconstruction is based on these proceeding solutions for our own proposal - now rendered for the first time. The ramp that appeared in the later historical period will now be re-examined for inclusion and comparison later this year. 

Below: new renders in 2024.

Making Decisions on colour

How colour is applied to the sculptures on the Parapet - and indeed the whole of Greek 'classical sculpture' is contentious. How far to proceed? Were only 'subtle' colour effects applied to 'chosen areas' - or was colour applied to the whole marble area? Nike is Now will consider all possibilities.